Any non-trivial codebase out there benefits from Dependency Injection, for two main reasons: to be able to pass in a proxy or a decorated version of the target dependency, or a mock for unit testing …
Exceptions and Streams
Java 8 gave us Optional, a mighty weapon against the most frequent Exception in Java: NullPointerException, that I talked about in this blog post. However, Java 8 also brought new headaches regarding exceptions, as the …
Hide Checked Exceptions with SneakyThrows
Java is the only programming language in the world that has checked exceptions, which forces the caller to know about the individual exception types thrown by the called function. What do you do when you …
Avoiding NullPointerException
The terrible NullPointerException (NPE in short) is the most frequent Java exception occurring in production, acording to a 2016 study. In this article we’ll explore the main techniques to fight it: the self-validating model and …