Looking for the best training for your developers? An inspiring session that stops bad habits and boosts professional growth.

The most time-efficient way to consolidate clean code, software design, performance, testing, and Java skills - training catalog.

Energetic trainer specialized in highly interactive sessions for mid-senior developers of top companies .

Real-world examples, exercises, and a lot of fun - see talks.

Speaking Java (Champion), Kotlin, TypeScript/JS, PHP, Python.

Contact Victor for a session, or get his video courses.

Join European Software Crafters, the largest community around writing quality code - 7K developers.

Follow Victor on: Twitter | LinkedIN | Facebook


17 years of coding

10 years of training

700+ training days

5000+ developers trained

>counting< client companies - see testimonials

>9.5/10 average feedback (NPS)

Training Catalog

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Main Training Topics

Full curricula below

Design Patterns

Domain-Driven Design

Clean Architecture

Clean Code, Refactoring

Unit Testing, TDD

Functional Programming with Java

New Java Language Features

Reactive Programming (rxJava or Reactor)

Java Performance

Spring Framework


Secure Coding in Java

Training Curricula

Other Goodies

The Code is Free

Most of the code I use in my trainings is public on my GitHub account


Concentric Architecture Diagram

Click on the following picture, make a copy and edit it freely:

IntelliJ Inspections

My personal list of IntelliJ inspections I use for refactoring code.
To import it go to Settings> Editor> Inspections> Profile> Settings> Import


Shortcut cheatsheets

Google Drive Folder




...every time exceeding our expectations.

He is extraordinary flexible

Role model for all junior developers

The energy of his training sessions remain with the people

Victor provided us several training sessions in the last 3 years, customized according to our developer requests, every time exceeding our expectations. He is extraordinary flexible in his approach, very much involved, and with his enthusiasm, high level of expertise and "can do" attitude is able to move forward even the most resistant audience.

He is role model for all junior developers, and a partner for senior developers, who are looking forward to have a second opinion in finding specific technical solutions for complex environments.

Victor is organizing the training sessions more as workshops, where all are involved, encouraging the participants to contribute in the class, clarifying all kind of technical aspects with patience and smile:). He is extremely supportive even after the training sessions, building excellent relationships with his trainees.

In terms of ROI, the good energy of his training sessions remain with the people, giving them the willingness to improve themselves, to continually apply the concepts received during the training sessions, to share with other colleagues the trick and tips found from Victor.

Besides the knowledge, technical concepts and skills, what is most appreciated by our company is an extraordinary collaboration with Victor, his open minded attitude and his willingness to think together with us in finding solutions for business challenges.

Tatiana Neamtu, Software Development Manager Romania

The most enthusiastic trainer I know, with the gift of passing on that enthusiasm to all of his students

Our developers learned a lot from Victor and our code quality tools spike every time we have him over for a training session.

Apart from Victor's excellent technical background, he is the most enthusiastic trainer I know and he has the gift of passing on that enthusiasm to all of his students.

He's always a pleasure to work with on complex enterprise-level problems or to listen to him talk about the latest in Agile software development.

I highly recommend Victor!

Leonard Mocanu, Software Architect at eMag

A consistent professional experience helped him formulate an authentic practical perspective.

The personal and interactive aspect helped me remember a lot easier the discussed topics.

Victor has an excellent mastery of the topics presented and managed to raise my expectations about how a technical course should look like, both regarding the content, as well as its presentation. A consistent professional experience helped him to formulate an authentic practical perspective on the topics, something that was missing from many courses I participated to.

I believe that an important element in the success of his trainings is the personal and interactive aspect that he adds to the materials and to the presentation. This approach helped me remember a lot easier the discussed topics, and encourages a relaxed informal interaction between the instructor and the audience.

He is one of the few trainers that add a substantial value to the presented materials and I trustfully recommend his courses.

(hover for original Romanian feedback)

Sorin Moise, Technical Team Lead, Senior Java Developer at IBM,
Clean Coder

Share all the information in such an understandable way

Interactive sessions, no questions without answers and very well organized presentations.

Passion in every line of code or piece of design

I have participated to other trainings before, but "Enterprise Architecture" course held by Victor was the most impressive. I was really amazed by the ability of Victor to share all the information in such an understandable way, even when most of the training sessions were related to very high level topics. Interactive sessions, no questions without answers and very well organized presentations made us very involved in the course topics.

Also I had the chance to work on a project with Victor which was a great success. You can really see passion in every line of code or piece of design which Victor creates. He likes challenges and always searches for better solutions. Beside all of these he is a very sociable person, a bit rare to an IT guy :)

Catalin Florea, Technical Team Lead, Senior Software Java/WS/Mobile Dev

His "Design Patterns" lectures were extremely well regarded by the students attending the course

Victor is an extremely well prepared, versatile and experienced trainer with whom it’s been a pleasure to collaborate for consecutive years in presenting OO Design Patterns at my Object Oriented Programming course at the Faculty of Automatic Control and Computers, University Politehnica of Bucharest. His lectures consisted of 2 talks of 3 hours that took place together with his colleague from IBM, Florin Diaconu. Overall, their lectures were extremely well regarded by the students attending the course (all in all, a rather large audience as there are about 120 students enrolled in OOP course with about 50 students frequently attending the courses). In terms of his presentations, he has displayed charisma, was on top of any technical question my students asked him and it was really fun to organize the design patterns course with him.

Mihai DASCĂLU, PhD(CS), PhD(Edu), Lecturer at CS Dept/UPB, Fulbright Senior Alumnus

An extremely good course, complete, dynamic, inspirational, answering all our questions

The best training I ever had (courses at big companies like Oracle included).

I had 5 days Java Architecture training in May 2015, when our company decided to migrate our software product to a new server application and to use some newer java&Spring technologies. The training was adapted to our needs and helped us a lot in choosing the right solutions for our business. It was an extremely good course, complete, dynamic, inspirational, answering all our questions.

For me it is the best training I ever had (courses at big companies like Oracle included).

Thank you so much for all your help!

Daniela Lacatus, Senior Java Developer, Technical Team Lead, and Business Analyst at Interdata ABS

An intense learning session !

In 2014 I participated in a two-hour Rest WS course taught by Victor. I was impressed by his Java knowledge across multiple technologies. He was able to address all the questions asked by the participants and to bring clarification when it was needed.

Victor wants to say so many things during his courses so the teaching rhythm is a very alert one. My recommendation: be prepared for an intense learning session !

Ionut Scutaru, Technical Team Lead, Senior (15+ years!) Java Developer and Architect at IBM
Java EE5 Enterprise Architect, Oracle JPA Expert, SCBCD, SCJP

An excellent way for IT managers to grow their Java developers

I fully recommend the Java courses held by Victor Rentea, not only to those that begin their career in IT, but also to those with years of experience developing java enterprise applications, which want to keep up with the new technologies and patterns. During every module, Victor presents a considerable number of implementation examples that showcase the way of working with the technologies presented.

I believe Victor's courses represent an excellent way for IT managers to grow their Java developers

. (hover for original Romanian feedback)

Dragos Moraru, Technical Team Lead, Senior (13+ years) Java Developer and Architect at IBM

Strong knowledge of programming concepts and patience at explaining them

Taking part in a 5-days software architecture course taught by Victor was a rewarding experience. It was a great opportunity to improve my programming and application design technical knowledge. Victor presented the course in a straightforward, well-structured manner, encouraging us to ask questions and express our opinions. He showed both strong knowledge of programming concepts and patience at explaining them. I would be very happy to recommend any course taught by him to any developer who wants to create better software.

Laurentiu Spilca, Senior Java Developer & Trainer

An extremely talented trainer (and software engineer as well)

He will bring a real and valuable experience which is often missing in many other trainings

Victor is an extremely talented trainer (and software engineer as well) devoted to his job as a tutor: he plan the training well in advance taking into account the best practices in domain, he reviews the material before the training session to ensure it is adequate to the audience, he rehearse the presentation before and reviews it after the training session based on the students feedback ensuring that next sessions will be even better, close to perfection. Being also a passionate developer, he will bring a real and valuable experience which is often missing in many other trainings. I strongly recommend him!

Florin Diaconu, Sr. Software Engineer, Technical Team Leader, Project Manager

A training session you cannot refuse.

Fresh and healthy, full of good practices to follow. All in one pack according to audience needs. Includes switching to hard-core mode. All of it in a relaxed and enjoyable format. A training session you cannot refuse.

I highly recommend Victor!

Radu Focseneanu, Technical Lead at Temenos

I highly recommend Victor as a very competent trainer

Victor’s training provided consistent technical knowledge packaged in an easy to digest way.

My team appreciated a lot the content of his training and the way he delivered it.

I highly recommend Victor as a very competent trainer and a very good speaker.

Catalin Balascuta, Senior Development Project Manager, Cerner Romania SRL

The webinar training was excellent, with lots of valuable examples

Great associations between real life and programming patterns - a lot easier to understand and remember

The webinar training was excellent, with lots of valuable examples. What I loved most was the associations made between concepts from real life and programming patterns - it's a lot easier to understand and remember.

The Streams/Lambda examples were very relevant and together with the JUnit tests created an interactive hands-on experience.

After the webinar we were given both the initial and the final source code to play with, which is a great advantage. The various hints and tips about using the IDE also soon proved very useful in practice.

What I think helped the most burning the concepts in our minds were: the test after the first day and the summary we wrote together at the end of the second day. I am confident that re-reading this recap we wrote together will help me a lot.

Hover for original [RO]

Andrei Medan, Senior Java Developer at Siemens

Very well prepared trainer - you can tell he speaks from his experience

Very well prepared trainer - you can tell he speaks from his experience. Each topic was presented with a lot of enthusiasm first via focused, carefully designed slides, and then demonstrated and discussed in live coding.

The pace was appropriate for a deep understanding of the topics.

We had a very good audio-video connection during the webinar - we were able to follow all the transmitted ideas.

Hover for original [RO]

Ionut Diaconu, Senior Java Developer at Siemens

In Images

Talks & Meetups

Cool talks

🌟 IntelliJ Productivity Tips (curated by JetBrains): video

🌟 IntelliJ Refactoring Tips: video

Functional Design Patterns with Java 8: watch the video, see the slides, and read the article

The Art of Clean Code: video and slides

A Clean, Pragmatic Architecture: video and slides

Java 8 Lambdas & Streams Workshop: video and slides

Looking for more? Find more talks in the playlists below

Bulk Lists

🌟 YouTube Playlist with my best talks

Subscribe to my 🌟 YouTube Channel for livestreams and videos

Slides of all my talks are on Slideshare

Talks that inspired me (by others speakers)

Bullet list of my past talks and community meetups

A talk for your event ?

If you are organizing an event for a meetup, conference, or in-house for a company, I'd be delighted to give a talk for you.

Check out my list of talk abstracts

Photos for event covers are here



Hi, I'm Victor, an enthusiast Clean Coder,

Java Champion, and

Independent Trainer and Technical Coach.

PhD(CS) and Oracle JavaEE6 Architect.

A good training should:

Incite you through a dynamic presentation style, with questions, brainstorming sessions, animations, demos, videos, jokes and contests with prizes

Help you understand the core concepts: the driving purpose, the "WHY", the underlying philosophy of that technology/framework/principle

PROVE TO YOU most of the ideas, with lots of exercises and real-world examples

Explain the tricky parts via intuitive metaphors, animations or easy-to-remember diagrams. You'll love it! (cf. feedback:)

Overview and discuss best practices and main pitfalls in real world scenarios

High-Quality Materials

To meet these high standards, I've constructed my own training materials, investing hundreds of hours of hard work to distil the ideas from the most distinguished books about each topic.

A lot of exercises

We will do exercises > 50% of the time.

A very interactive discussion, with lots of questions, exercises and contests will spice up the rest of our session.

Customized Agenda

Every group is unique. Each has its own particular interests or gaps to fill, thus the agenda is always custom. Perhaps you aren't sure what topics to choose - please let me bring with my extensive experience to your help. Let's have a brief, informal discussion to identify the gaps and improvement points in the skills of your developers.

I always insist to have a meeting/call with some of the trainees/tech leads before any training to establish the detailed agenda. We could pick several modules from those listed on this website, customize them or add completely new ones.

A module can take from 2 hours to 2 or 3 days, and include demos, exercises, contests, coding dojos, etc.

I'm looking for questions

I am always expecting questions any time during the trainings or breaks, and even up to one week after the training completion. The questions can even be slightly off-topic: I would be equally glad to be able to help you with any issues you encounter in your developer life. So do your homework and come to my training prepared with all the challenges and questions you struggled with.

I always say: The are no "stupid" questions!. Just ask it! My best trainings sessions happened when we built together a continuous brainstorming athmosphere. So, let's have a talk!

Industry-proven, Certified proficiency

I have 13 years of industry experience with all the topics I teach. I've used them all to design, develop and deliver to production enterprise applications for demanding corporate clients, like Belgian Post, BNP Paribas, Givaudan, and more. Throughout my entire career I continuously explored any frameworks we worked with, always trying to achieve the simplest solution to any problem we faced, by understanding the philosophy of each technology.

The certifications below secured me a solid knowledge of the technologies and techniques employed in enterprise java applications development.

Quality Guarantee

As a sign of consideration, I remain available remotely for all my trainees 1 week after the sessions for any questions or clarifications.

Valuable recommendations from senior developers that attended my trainings are also available in the Clients section.

Finally, the training contract will include a restitution clause in case of negative final feedback, though I'm sure it will prove useless.


Oracle Certified Master - Java EE6 Architect
Oracle SQL Expert
Oracle Certified Professional - Java EE5 Business Component
Sun Certified Web Component Developer
Sun Certified Web Services Developer
Sun Certified Java Programmer
Certified Scrum Master I
IT Specialist Expert Level
Spring Certified Programmer

Contact Me

  • Company Name: Victor Rentea Consulting SRL
  • Fiscal Address: Dristorului 91-95, Ap 1106, Bucharest 031538, Romania
  • VAT Code: RO41987600
  • Commerce Registry Number (ONRC): J40/16655/2019
  • Post Feed